
GKE for all backend services has a default timeout of 30 seconds for a response from the backend or the service. If the request takes more than 30 seconds a 502 Bad Gateway occurs and the message

Error: Server Error The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds.


The problem is summarized as timeouts that need to be configured for the load balancer, but how do you do that?


After some googling, I found that this link has the answers I am looking for. In summary, to set timeouts for your service from the load balancer, we need to create a CR of BackendConfig, then in the service reference that config much like this example '{"ports": {"80":"my-backendconfig"}}'

as an annotation for the service.


At least there is a way. I wish there was something more straight forward like back in the days with PHP to prevent infinate loops, just wait forevery globally or let the server crash.