Building, I have built a basic minter and it works well enough to move to the next level, charging for the service to mint an award that the wallerholder sends to their teammate.


When ever talking about charging, transfering, or components of, we are talking about Contracts, which is on v0.8 at the moment of writing this post in the soliditylang documentation site.

Visibility and Getters

external, can be used in transactions from other contracts. public are part of the contract interface and can be called internally or via messages. internal, default visibility for state variables and can only be called within the contract without using this. private state is held in the contract only and cannot be derived - this prevents other contracts from reading state.

public can be used internally or externally via the this keyword from within the contract.


The contracts balance can increase but what about withdrawing the balance, only the contract creator should be able to do this. Payable is that keyword and ownership is defined below.


Access Control - When talking about smart contracts who can do what is the basic point. There is a an account that can do administration tasks, we link to openzepplin which is a great opensource interface to help make common concepts easier to use. Using their Ownable package by default, the owner of an Ownable contract is the account that deployed it. quote from the documentation.

It has a modifier called onlyOwner which basically says the owner of the contract can do the administration task.